Elon Musk Created Crypto Heaven? PayPal Community Is Skeptical

Elon Musk Created Crypto Heaven? PayPal Community Is Skeptical

In early November, Coinbase launched its new "PayPal" function. As a result, crypto holders can now withdraw money from Coinbase to their PayPal account. Although the new feature excited a lot of folks, there are...
Gene Editing China Created the First Genetically Modified People

China Created the First Genetically Modified People

For those people who have HIV, worry not about your children. A Chinese scientist created the first genetically modified twins to battle HIV. The scientist, He Jiankui, has a laboratory at a university in...
An Alien Object Will Approach Earth by 2023

An Alien Object Will Approach Earth by 2023

An alien object will approach the Earth by 2023. NASA has calculated that a large asteroid has 62 possible trajectories for colliding with Earth between 2023 and 2117. According to NASA’s calculations, there is...
Satoshi Nakamoto Could Be Born in Ohio

Satoshi Nakamoto Could Be Born in Ohio

The world just took another bizarre turn. Despite all of the U.S. efforts to put a damper on crypto, its own Ohio state is starting to accept Bitcoin for tax payments. Maybe Satoshi Nakamoto,...
Scientists Found an Alien Planet That Is 10,000 Times Bigger Than Earth

Scientists Found an Alien Planet That Is 10,000 Times Bigger Than Earth

While scientists were looking out for alien life from the Keck Observatory in Maunakea, Hawaii, they discovered that a distant planet contains water in its atmosphere. The name of the planet is HR8799c and it...
Putin's Nuclear Rocket Will Likely Break Due to Corruption

Putin’s Nuclear Rocket Will Likely Break Due to Corruption

Russia is known for its peculiar inventions, including the most recent nuclear rocket. Russia is full of the certain type of creativity that sparks and amuses at times. However, the big problem is that the...
Genetic Engineers to Create a Siberian Unicorn Pet the Size of a Dog

Genetic Engineers to Create a Siberian Unicorn Pet the Size of a Dog

A Siberian unicorn roamed the Earth with the humans until at least 39,000 years ago. Scientists believe that the first modern humans, or homosapiens, were present around 200,000 to 300,000 years ago. While researchers...
Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Is Mining Digital Coins on Your Laptop

Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Is Mining Digital Coins on Your Laptop

While the world of blockchain technology is evolving and getting better, the dark world of cryptocurrency mining malware is also thriving. One of the most significant use cases involves the Bitcoin mining malware, KingMiner....
Vitalik Buterin Helped Putin Make Stablecoin for Russia; Trump Knows…

Vitalik Buterin Helped Putin Make Stablecoin for Russia; Trump Knows…

Earlier in mid-2018, Russian-Canadian Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin had a brief meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. It is not clear what the discussion was about. However, one can surmise that the talk had...
Thai Prostitutes Pay Taxes on Blockchain; Bitcoin Fans Are Happy

Thai Prostitutes Pay Taxes on Blockchain; Bitcoin Fans Are Happy

Just like Ohio introduced a system to use Bitcoin to pay taxes, the Thailand government plans to use blockchain technology to verify tax payments and improve payment efficiency. The Thai government will be using...
Natural Selection Among Humans Is Increasing

Natural Selection Among Humans Is Increasing

Humans Take Part in Natural Selection Have you ever wondered why giraffes have long necks? There is a process called natural selection, which makes stronger specimens last longer than the weaker ones. While the giraffes with...
AR Glasses Help Students Cheat During Exams; NYU and Stanford Are Concerned?

AR Glasses Help Students Cheat During Exams; NYU and Stanford Are Concerned?

Cheating during school exams is bad. However, a lot of university students choose to do it. Because it is hard to detect cheating at Stanford or NYU, the bad behavior prevails. Moreover, with new...
Xbox Psychopath Who Killed a Boy to Be Treated with Oculus Rift?

Xbox Psychopath Who Killed a Boy to Be Treated with Oculus Rift?

A sad thing happened in 2016, resulting in a prison sentence in late 2018. When he was 19 years old, Aaron Ott killed a 16-year-old teen over his Xbox. At 21 years old, he...
First Singer on Mars Will Be More Popular Than Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift

First Singer on Mars Will Be More Popular Than Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift

NASA's first-ever audio recording of Mars’ wind is out, on December 10, 2018. The recording by the Mars InSight lander attracted a lot of attention. Likewise, the first singer on Mars will be more popular...
China to Find Aliens on the Moon; SpaceX to Follow?

China to Find Aliens on the Moon; SpaceX to Follow?

One of the questions that people ask is, “Why didn’t NASA return to the moon?”. Possible answers are that it is too expensive, NASA is colonizing Mars, etc. Another possible answer is that, according...
NASA Is Aggressive About Aliens; Area 51 E.T.s Confirmed

NASA Is Aggressive About Aliens; Area 51 E.T.s Confirmed

It could be that NASA has been hiding information about aliens from us all along. At the very least, the agency is aggressive about alien information. And there are multiple facts that confirm this...
Harvard University Is Useless; Scientists Confirm

Harvard University Is Useless; Scientists Confirm

Due to the name, many people believe that Harvard University is the best university in the world. However, think again. Indeed, Harvard had another scandal. One of the Harvard cardiac researchers created 31 studies...
Organic Coca-Cola Is Healing People from Obesity?

Organic Coca-Cola Is Healing People from Obesity?

Coca-Cola is taking a step towards better health. This move is not surprising. Because many other food brands, including McDonald’s, have endured customer criticism regarding the health of their food products. Sure, Coca-Cola does...
Rare Sexist Illness Makes a Woman Deaf When Men Speak

Rare Sexist Illness Makes a Woman Deaf When Men Speak

For people who like to hear women’s voices only, there is an illness that allows a person to hear high-frequency voices only. A case in China emerged of a woman who cannot hear men’s...
A Woman Gave Birth to Bitcoin (Quite Literally)

A Woman Gave Birth to Bitcoin (Quite Literally)

How do you honor something, say an item, that has been instrumental in transforming your life, well, financial life? For a couple in Crimea, Bitcoin is what transformed their life the most. And so, in honor of Bitcoin, they decided to name their newborn son Bitcoin.

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