Google Plus, a social network, announced a serious software bug. Following the recent discovery, GOOGL decided to shut down the consumer version of Google+; four months earlier than the original plans. Instead of August 2019, Google Plus will close to consumers in April. However, enterprise use of the product will not shut down. It seems that social networks like Google+ and LinkedIn are encountering younger blockchain social media competitors.
The Google Vulnerability Affected 52.5 Million Users
The vulnerability got announced on December 10. GOOGL says the software bug impacted 52.5 million users. Moreover, information that apps obtained might include name, email, occupation, and age.
The announcement stated that the bug did not give developers any access to financial information. The developers had access to the information for six days; however, GOOGL does not have any evidence that the developers were aware of or misused this information.
GOOGL says it will start shutting down Google+ APIs in the next 90 days. Additionally, it will start shutting down consumer Google+. Due to the struggles and low consumer use, consumer Google+ will shut down in April 2019, earlier than the initially-planned August 2019.
GOOGL announced that it is notifying any enterprise customers that are notified by the bug. GOOGL stated that despite shutting down the consumer version, it will continue to invest in Google+ for enterprise users.
Platforms Similar to Google Plus and LinkedIn Are Succeeding on Blockchain
It looks like instead of traditional sites like Google+, users are flocking to blockchain-based social media and social network platforms. These platforms are thriving, while other social media platforms seem to be losing their younger users. These platforms even include resume-showing networks, the alternatives to LinkedIn. Blockchain is a new technology that gives way to more decentralized systems.
Blockchain-based social media seems to be the future for the world. While old companies are cutting off their losses, younger companies that are using the new tech are winning. Bitcoin and other crypto enthusiasts will be happy about the trend.