Are you one of those people still carrying plastic cards around, or have you moved on to Apple Pay? Well, if you still carry plastic, Visa recently invented a new solution for you to scam-proof your purchases. You might be surprised to learn how your very own bank made a step toward better technology. With Visa’s new “Pay by Fingerprint” solution, the impossible is getting possible.
Visa: Pay by Fingerprint
For folks who carry plastic cards, Visa is offering an additional level of biometric protection. By replacing their current cards with new fingerprint cards, users can avoid entering their passwords to confirm their purchases. Instead, they will be able to confirm their transactions by placing their fingers on small fingerprint scanners in their cards. While the new solution offers you better security, the concept still requires you to carry a plastic card.
Plastic Card No More
Similarly to how people have moved on to Apple Pay, the world is moving on to fingerprint payment confirmations. For this, payment programs such as Visa need to bring even better technology to the public. To bring Visa’s fingerprint concept to the next card-free level, stores will have to install an additional piece of equipment or new generation terminals that are compatible with the alternative solution.
Once the new technology is ready, you will be able to link multiple bank accounts to your multiple fingers. Thus, whenever you make a transaction, you will just need to scan the correct finger for your desired bank account. In the future, you might have an opportunity to link your ring finger to your main Bank of America debit card. Your Chase business account will be your index finger, and your middle finger will be for the Capital One credit card that still has your student loan balance. Once all of your fingers link to different bank accounts, you are free to pronounce yourself a modern man or woman.