Hidden cameras are generally unexpected in Airbnb apartments… That is, unless you have been notified beforehand. However, they still might be unexpected when you catch a hidden eye cam right under the bathroom sink, which is what happened to one girl. Enter Spyfinder Pro, which is a small lens-finding device that you can carry with you when you travel.
Spyfinder Pro for Airbnb
While some hosts might use cameras to track what you do with their living room, others might be peeping toms. The peeping tom type of hosts might even live stream your most intimate moments on the Internet, without you realizing it. Even if you do manage to call them out on it, you might not be able to get the files back. In this case, preventing bad things from happening to you is more important than trying to get rid of the consequences.
Spyfinder Pro allows you to easily locate hidden cameras by looking through the device and scanning the room. The device front has six high-intensity LED lights and controls for light intensity levels.
Finding Hidden Cameras
The device is super-efficient at finding all hidden cameras by locating the reflection of the camera lens, no matter where the camera lens is. Because the camera detector locates the reflection, it manages to locate all cameras in the area (whether they are on or off). Additionally, Spyfinder Pro can locate camera lenses at up to 45 feet away.
Whether you had previous incidents or whether you simply want to avoid privacy interference, Spyfinder is a great device. Simply use it at your next Airbnb retreat. No longer will you have to be skeptical about fishy-looking plants or pots. I myself saw one of those sketchy hidden cameras in Vienna, at my Airbnb rental.
Spy Associates
Spy Associates (the company-creator) has been selling similar types of devices to the public and to the government since 1999. You can rest assured that they know how people can legally protect themselves.
With the aforementioned lens detector, fear no longer. Spyfinder Pro is here to bring you peace of mind for personal and business concerns. Yes, you can even work on sensitive documents in an Airbnb room. Just make sure to check the room for hidden cameras.