Things are changing extremely quickly. These days, the United States is no longer the only country that represents the meaning of the term “freedom.” In fact, freedom of thought and freedom of expression have gradually spread across the globe. As we all know, good things are contagious.
American Founding Fathers Versus Indian Founding Father
Before Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, Monroe, and Hamilton shaped the principles of the United States, the land of North America was anything but a developed country. Diligence and dedication helped the very first settlers craft the shape of what later became the most powerful country in the world. This was a part of American history. However, each country has its own heroes and heroines.
In India, one such hero was the politician Sardar Patel, whom the Indian nation considers the hero of modern-day India.
Similarly to how Americans paid respect to their founding fathers by designing Mount Rushmore, Indians showed their respect for their founding ancestors by inventing the tallest statue in the world – the Statue of Unity.

Indian Statue of Unity Versus Statue of Liberty
Indians believe that their nation has been progressing for many years because of Indian politician Sardar Patel’s initial efforts. Sardar Patel represented “good governance” for many years (he was in office from August 15, 1947 – December 15, 1950). As a result of his rule, some believe that the positive outcomes of the modern-day Indian economy are the result of Sardar Patel’s hard work and great decision-making skill.
The Indian statue is 182 meters (597 ft) high. That makes the masterpiece as tall as 2 NY Statues of Liberty. Incredible, isn’t it?

Trend of Appreciation
It seems that the 21st century is not only about new developments and discoveries. This century is also about appreciation. It looks like we are capable of finding moments to look back and appreciate our ancestors. It is our ancestors, after all, who granted us with better living conditions and brighter opportunities.