Some DNA hackers, or gene researchers, found a way to rewire the brains of those who have Parkinson’s disease. If this treatment proves to be successful, people who suffer from this movement disorder might suffer no longer. The research team is planning to have a larger gene therapy trial that starts at the end of next year. Consequently, if this therapy is successful, there can be a new generation of human mutants.
How The Gene Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease Works
What the gene researchers found, through a study, was that gene therapy that reduces overactivity in the subthalamic nucleus of the region of the brain. This area coordinates with the motor region of the brain. The gene therapy reduced Parkinson’s symptoms for at least a year.
In the study, 15 people received gene therapy treatment, versus 20 people in a placebo group who did not. As a result, the brains of the 15 people who received this treatment for Parkinson’s disease showed new brain connections that the 20 people in the placebo group did not. It turns out that reducing the pathways between the subthalamic nucleus and the brain’s motor regions might have encouraged their brains to develop alternative pathways. Thus, the brains of people who received the gene therapy treatment adapted.
More Mutants to Appear on Earth
If the above is true, and the gene therapy works to shut down pathways between the subthalamic nucleus and the brain’s motor regions to the extent where the brain rewires itself, we could see more mutants on Earth. These people will have rewired their brains to think and act differently from normal people. Even more, their brains might overcompensate in some areas, allowing for some certain types of behavior for natural selection processes.
Thus, it could be that those with rewired brains will be able to produce babies with rewired brains. Hence, this can lead to a whole new mutated line of people. In several centuries, the brains of human descendants can look totally different from those of current day people.