What is great about modern-day news aggregators like Google News is that they help online publications spread top stories around the web, all in a seamless fashion. The news aggregators introduce their users to recent events by organizing and customizing pieces of informative content for them. It is very convenient to use these news aggregators, for those individuals who do not want to spend much time browsing the web. Despite many of the benefits, centralized news aggregators have some significant limitations. Thus, the new startup Fidelity House has decided to change the game.
Google News Limitations
Just like any major news aggregator, Google News is a centralized platform. As a result, Google can decide what it wants to feature and what it does not want to feature. In fact, if Google finds a topic to be offensive or politically incorrect, the sensitive topic will never show up on the main page of the news aggregator. Additionally, most aggregators do not offer remuneration to their most popular writers. Popular writers cannot get anything from news aggregators, outside of traffic coming to their online publications.
Google News on Blockchain, Aka Fidelity House
Interestingly enough, the company Fidelity House decided to invent its own news aggregator, using blockchain. In the best fashion of the crypto world, the news aggregator is going to be semi-decentralized, which means that it will be offering freedom for its contributors. As a result, an individual can now discuss the most sensitive topics.
Another great benefit that Fidelity House offers is the FidelityHouse Coin. The digital coin will be issued, in the form of remuneration, to the most popular contributors. The more traffic you generate as a writer, the more money you make. It’s easy. Since FidelityHouse cryptocurrency is a tradable asset, it can be converted into cash at any moment. The decision to HODL or not is up to you.
Blockchain technology offers many interesting solutions for pain points of industries that have existed for many years. By finding ways to remove third parties from day-to-day activities, you can cut the cost of production. This ultimately benefits the consumers.