Do our brains even belong to us? We might believe that our individual brains are perfectly fine. However, some of us might be infected with a brain parasite that comes from cats. This evil microorganism, toxoplasma gondii, affects humans by making them fall more in love with cats so that it will get eaten. What is threatening about this parasite is that studies have linked it to anger and suicide attempts.
What the…?
“Suicide?! But I thought that only mentally deranged people considered this!” No, actually, the studies have linked this evil parasite, also known as Toxo, with scores of higher aggression on tests. More than 1 in 5 people in the United States have this infection, and as many as 1 in 3 people in the world have it too. We previously believed that the majority of these people did not show any side effects from this parasite, but it actually IS linked with higher rates of mental illness.
Brain Parasite and Evil Anger Disorder
The probability that someone with an anger disorder has this parasite is TWICE as much as you would expect from chance. This means that the next time you are experiencing a tense situation with someone who is always angry, it could just mean that they have been infected with this evil microorganism.
Depression and Suicide Attempts
Believe it or not, this parasite correlates to higher rates of depression and suicide attempts. Who knows what motives the parasite has for doing this. Maybe after suicide attempts, it plans to climb inside another host.
Maybe there was a particular reason why the Egyptians liked cats so much. According to documents, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra committed suicide by holding a snake to her breast. Was she one of the infected ones?
Unclean Food
One can also get the parasite through unwashed vegetables and undercooked meat. Basically, you should clean all your food and cook them thoroughly, to reduce your risk of contracting this evil parasite and having it climb into your brain. Ugh, the stuff of nightmares.
In general, what this parasite does might just fall in the realm of increasing mental illness in people. If you want to stop your children from doing suicide attempts, please keep them away from cats and unclean food.