
Here we examine and outline a unique perspective of the modern tech world and its developments.

Our editorial team covers topics in New Tech, Science, and Offbeat Inventions. We hope to be a valuable go-to publication for those who like to think outside of the box.

Business Address

DifferentWho (KV, LLC), 68 Willow Rd, Menlo Park, CA 94025

About the Team

Evon Future – Executive Editor

Evon is a serial entrepreneur and digital nomad who daydreams about gadgets and unique ideas. Evon grew up in an impoverished country before he left to look for new opportunities in the United States. As an avid observer of people, he decided to start writing in 2016. His favorite things to do include drinking coffee, biking, and traveling the world.

Charlie Adams – Editor-in-Chief

Charlie decided to start writing full-time in 2016 after quitting his corporate job. As he grew up on both the West and East Coasts in the United States, Charlie is familiar with Silicon Valley and Wall Street cultures. His favorite hobbies include reading, examining conspiracy theories, and exploring nature.