According to recent announcements, Sony is not going to be a part of E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo. While the reason for this decision is not yet known, many believe that the corporation is getting ready for its Playstation 5 launch. To some, the announcement does not seem shocking at first glance, but there are some shocking aspects about it.
Sony Playstation 5 to Put Its Competitors in the Shade
If people are correct and Sony is going to launch its newest console at the same time as the main event in the world of electronics, the activity will divert attention away from E3. The activity will overshadow the Electronic Entertainment Expo itself. Moreover, competitors like Nintendo will end up showing on the second line of major news publications. Some might feel that the E3 event without PlayStation 5 is like pizza without cheese.
What Will the New Playstation 5 Look Like
While it is hard to predict what the new Playstation console will look like, we believe that the Sony corporation will consider major trends that are in demand. If so, it might try to build some minimal components into the core of its technology. It is entirely possible that the console will be disc free. The size of the new device might also get smaller.
Playstation of the Future
Just like we mentioned possibilities of levitating features in an Xbox of the future, there is a chance that Sony will be doing some forward-thinking futuristic experiments, when it comes to their new products. These experiments might include new generations of PlayStation devices along with cool accompanying accessories that will feature levitation components. Possibly in the future, you will be able to sit in a moving chair that operates on magnetic levitation. This might be while you are gaming in front of your favorite console and wearing your VR anti-nausea goggles.