The next time a cop approaches you, make sure that you have a camera recording the experience. What is even better is if you have a camera with front and back recording. In the case of one Uber driver, it seemed as if an NYPD police cop yelled at him and even ridiculed him for having a foreign accent. This racist cop was later transferred to another unit. To protect yourself in situations involving racist cops and thieves, you can get yourself the Owl car cam.
Owl Security Camera
The Owl car cam is a live-streaming security camera for your car that can help save your life. An owl cam that connects to the cloud service 24/7 can help give you peace of mind. At night, the Owl camera stays on and has a blinking green beacon that keeps people away, as they know there is a recording camera inside. Additionally, if something happens with your car while you are away, Owl can alert you with a video clip report. Being on record with the Owl cam means that the police can have a record of the perpetrator. No one except you can access your video.
Camera That Protects Uber Drivers
Whether you work as a delivery driver or Uber driver, you might need a device that captures every second in a dangerous neighborhood. For example, people with ill intentions might back off if they see that you have a camera recording everything.
In the case of one delivery driver with an Owl car cam, she was able to walk in front of the car in a robbery situation involving a knife. The robbers left when she pointed out the recording camera. As she tells the story, she believes that they would have stabbed her to death if she did not point out the camera. Other user comments have included that the Owl camera paid for itself on the first day and that they had the video immediately on their phone.
Uses for the camera vary from crashes to police stops. The camera keeps even the authorities on their best behavior. No one wants to be on the internet, after all.
Racist NYPD Cop
In the case of the racist NYPD cop, it was a lucky situation where a passenger sneakily filmed the altercation. The camera record caught the officer appearing to mock the Uber driver’s accent. Because of the record, the cop had to move to another unit.
An Owl cam can prevent a cop situation like this from escalating, due to its very presence in the car. Thus, cops will know that they, too, are on film.